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Site Contents

Welcome all to my webpage! My name is Kyle McCoy. Along with this webpage, you will have access to my portfolio and official resume, and an inside peek at some of my past achievements, and some of my hobbies and likes. In this project, I will also be adding a reference page to many important sites and educational/interesting pages, as well as well as a minor database of information. I will continue to add more pages and information as I have the time to.


I am in my fourth semester at the Illinois Institute of Technology. While I am currently studying Information Technology, I studied three semesters of Architecture before that. I also hope to focus my studies on Cyber Security, or Computer Forensics. I put a high value on keeping the people around me that I care about safe, and a good way for me to do that is to use my knowledge in computers to do that. Not only am I skilled with computers, I have a large amount of experience in many other areas thanks to my time as a Boy Scout. You can learn more as you wander around my webpage.